Christian Arzate Cruz
Ritsumeikan UniversityRL-based systems that are continuously improving because of human input.
Design considerations for interactive RL-based applications.
Creating interactive RL applications.
Using different types of high-level feedback.
How to use different knowledge integration methods.
Exposing the internal components of the agent.
Communication channels
Users' intentions
Tell me why
We need to consider the high-level feedback
and how to use it.
It's binary feedback that indicates if the last chosen action by the agent was satisfactory.
It's a critique with a scalar-valued rating.
The human user provides the agent with the action they believe is optimal.
The human user specify the goal object(s) in the environment.
We search for playstyles using gameplay traces by the users.
Selecting how to adapt the RL-based model according to the type of feedback.
Adapting the reward function by hand to fit the user's intentions.
Overriding the original policy of the agent.
Designing game levels with personalized AI suggestions.
(Local) Demo
Presenting the model in a useful and easy-to-understand manner.
Display the current policy and why the agent selected a given action.
Explain the main elements that contribute to selecting an action at different time scales.
Data and time
Natural language templates for a two-way communication method.
Communication channels
Users' intentions
Tell me why
How to use of different high-level feedback and
knowledge integration methods depending on the application.